Friday, August 10, 2012

Getting Ready!...

In getting ready to move in to Oakwood- my one stipulation was that the back toilet get fixed.  In our bedroom there is a bathroom with a huge tub and shower and a toilet.  There's also a vanity area with two sinks!! However, the toilet had some flushing issues.. well it got fixed and then, well, now it can only flush liquids.. oh well.  I really wanted the room we would  be staying in for the next year to be pretty, or at least not have crayon alllll over the walls. 
This is the bathroom before...

See all the crayon over the wall.. it was actually worse in person.  Apparently the paint wouldn't adhere over the wax over the crayon so 3 magic erasers later and all the crayon is gone and ready for paint!

First coat of paint.. I thought it would take a million coats..

But just 3 coats later and it's green! VERY green.. It kind of looked like baby poop green but over time it has set and looks ok.. I think I can handle it.

This is the sink area after! See Gage even approves!

Love the birds!

Gotta support my CoHO! visit for more info on how to volunteer and support!

I love my mirrors from Ikea!

In my remodel I had to remember that it doesn't have to be perfect.  I'm such a perfectionist at times that it was hard to not be in painting.  Over the past 6 months I've learned a new big word- are you ready for this?! Gentrification... It's where middle class individuals come in to lower income areas and remodel and renovate to the point that it either increases the property value or allows the landlords a reason to raise the rent thus making it impossible for the community members to live there defeating the purpose of moving in to begin with.  So with that in mind.. not much else will be done to the trailer.  The cabinets will remain warped and unable to function fully, the carpet will remain stained and old, the kitchen will remain unpainted, etc...

At this point the trailer is ready for move in.. join in next post to hear about the wonderful church family we have in helping us as well as the Wrights move it!